
Barbara Feldman Memorial Scholarship Fund

Sifu Barbara Feldman dedicated over thirty years of her life to martial arts training and teaching, because, in her own words, "The martial arts continue to inform my life, keep me more flexible, stronger, healthier, more peaceful and joyful."Sifu Barbara Feldman 2007

At the 2013 Conference in Las Vegas, the AWMAI Board of Directors established a scholarship fund in honor of Sifu Feldman. That year we awarded scholarships to nine women who may not have been able to attend otherwise. We also experienced a generous outpouring of support through the Silent Auction, photos and Raffle, which raised over $1,400 for this scholarship fund.

Contributions are accepted year-round, and allow AWMAI to provide even more scholarship opportunities in the future. Feel free to send a donation of any amount. All donations to the Barbara Feldman Memorial Scholarship Fund are graciously accepted and are tax deductible!

General Operations

Sonia Richardson and Melinda Johnson, 2007General Operations means all those logistical, planning, and practical needs that make it possible for us to give you the smoothest, most productive Conference, with the greatest variety of classes to enhance your professional skills. This fund supports our website, online registration, Board member communications, and more. And it keeps the coffee flowing.

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Mail: AWMAI, PO Box 4309, Davis CA 95617
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